Yahoo! Groups: You're invited! Join Earn-From-Internet-Home-Business today.
Earn-From-Internet-Home-Business moderator
2008-04-05 01:09:00 UTC
***@yahoo.com has invited you to join Earn-From-Internet-Home-Business
[http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Earn-From-Internet-Home-Business/] on Yahoo! Groups,
the best way to discover and share information and advice with others. All for free.

A personal invitation from ***@yahoo.com:

Hello Work at Home Seeker;

Are you curious about some of the
jobs you can work at from home?

Our panel of Internet and Marketing
experts spent months reviewing
hundreds of the best Online Businesses
available and discovered the
Perfect Home-Based Opportunity

Don't wait on this, take a short
minute and click the link below:

All the best,

Jane Silvestain
Explore Freedom

PS. You could be working less than 2 hours a day
and earning up to $1,500 per week with the
Easy Home Job.

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information from us or a third-party.
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